Saturday, January 22, 2011

The boy that cried Big Sean

When the hell is Detroit's Big Sean finally going to have his album released by Kanye? I've been telling people Sean's about to blow up for so long that it's going to be anticlimactic when it actually happens. It's like when Matt told me 15 years ago that someone was about to release a personal laser razor to shave your face with. I've asked him for a dropdate every six months since and still nothing and you know what: you can keep your stupid laser razor now, I won't be fooled anymore, the slow bleed from cuts on my neck gives my shirts character, I enjoy getting shaving cream in my mouth when I try to drink coffee mid-scrape (your boy can multitask.)

1 comment:

  1. The future is NEAR!

    But seriously, why go the laser when you can charge 20 bucks for a piece of plastic!
