Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Spirit of Detroit

Twitter rants are always painful to read because saying a lot requires many 140 character bursts and the viewer has to scroll down and find the beginning and then work her way back up to the top. So here's Michael Moore tweet take on the Chrysler commercial presented like paragraphs:

Re: Eminem/Chrysler ad: Putting aside the idiot execs who ran the Big 3 in2 the ground & putting aside(!) how cars melt the polr ice caps... Those of us from Detroit/Flint etc area will NEVER let Det & MI die. We r suffering through a 1-state depression, people feel abandoned... We created the Amer mid class. We were the 1s who fought 4 decent wages/health care/safer work cond--our unions&strikes made that happen... & we MI gave u Aretha, Supremes, Stevie, Madonna, Iggy, WhiteStripes, FrancisCoppola, SDS, corn flakes &Thomas Edison grew up in Pt Huron... So when the ad says "Imported from Detroit," how does it feel to think of us as a foreign country, no longer part of your America?

I'll tell u how WE feel: Your America is letting the rich run all of us in2 the ground. I'm sorry, but that's just not an option. U with us? That statue in the spot is called "Spirit of Detroit." The murals were painted by the socialist Diego Rivera. That JoeLouis fist? That's us. Thx 4 listening 2 that. I'm glad the spot ran. Moving. Reminded us Michiganders that all's not lost (btw that car's built in Detroit) Nite!


  1. Setting aside his comments about the commercial, the champion of socialism is also in the news for...suing for more money from one of his films.

    Even if he got swindled out of cash, somehow this seems to go against his principals. Or am I way off base here? He's using the system which he rails against in so many ways, to squeeze every last penny for himself...

    In the end, is Michael Moore much different than all those other greedy capitalist he demonizes in his films?


  2. That argument makes no sense whatsoever. Because he's critical of capitalism's abuses he should... let himself be abused by capitalists? Wouldn't instead it be obvious that he would fight against perceived injustice in his own life?

    His whole argument has always been that rich people abuse their power to screw the little guy and subvert the common good. He's obviously gotten very rich while making this argument, but that means that he's no longer allowed to say that he's being screwed?

  3. My feelings about the auto industry and, in particular, it's relationship to Detroit are complicated. Much like my feelings about Michael Moore. But like he said, I'm glad the spot ran.

  4. im thinking youre a little off base here pat. if anything it shows that hes not gonna let people that are bigger than him screw him.

    and those murals are representative of a controlling upper class watching over the workers, pulling their puppet strings for cash. its a great peice of art. in the DIA. check it out sometime.

  5. First of all, certainly I don't know the merits or anything about who is right in this lawsuit. But saying Moore got screwed before the suit is settled is really jumping the gun.

    I also know nothing about who he is suing and whether or not they are the ultra rich and powerful or if they even have as much money as Moore himself. But couldn't it be possible that it's a frivolous lawsuit and Moore is just another greedy person who wants a bigger slice of the cake? Certainly that's a possibility, right?

    Look, I don't begrudge anyone the ability to profit from what they do. (and Moore is undoubtedly good at what he does) But to put it simply, Moore DOES hold it against those who profit greatly. I've seen Roger & Me. To him, the rich are villains. Well, he's rich now and suing people to get richer. Once again, it may be grasping a bit but there is a contrast here between word and deed.

    Would it not seem to be more "Michael Moore" of him if he was suing on behalf of some simple editor/cameraman, lighting specialist, etc?

    I just feel like this shows Moore isn't so much different than all those he rails against, he probably reads money magazine and worries about his investments and how he can stay rich and powerful.

    And no, I'm not trying to say he's a massive hypocrite or this lawsuit undermines all the valid points and concerns he's raised to the public throughout his career...I'm just saying he has some things in common with greedy rich guys.

  6. Well, I don't think he's anti-profit, just anti-exploitation.

    I think we have a visceral problem hearing rich people talk about the issue of poverty. One of the things that attracted me to John Edwards in 2003 was his willingness to talk about poverty but most people dismissed it because he was a rich lawyer (and obviously some people were a lot more perceptive about that guy's character than I was...)

    But, for rich people who authentically care about this stuff, what are they supposed to do? Give it all up like Saint Francis? Michael Moore could definitely help a lot of individuals on his way down the socioeconomic ladder, but I'm not sure that's the best use of his resources.
